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Hybrid system in a sentence

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Sentence count:41Posted:2020-04-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hybridsound systemcommand systemhybridizehybridomahybridityclosed systemhousehold system
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31 Steelmaking-continuous casting-hot rolling in iron and steel plant includes continuous and spiccato production process, and it is a typical hybrid system.
32 The observability of hybrid system involves initial discrete states, continuous states and discrete state switched time.
33 The bus uses a hybrid system that combines the hydrogen fuel cells with high power batteries.
34 Two devices, of which one is a new hybrid system with combined cycle of solar heating and cooling while another is plate solar solid absorption ice maker, have been designed and fabricated.
35 Results:After being identified by PCR, restriction enzyme digestion and sequencing, the adeno-integrase hybrid system was successfully constructed.
36 What's more, it provides the methods used to diagnosis compressor's faults based on the intelligence hybrid system by adopting the MATLAB neural network workbox.
37 The hybrid system works steadily when its net power is above 80% of its nominal power.
38 The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the new hybrid system works better than HMM especially in recognition of highly confusable words.
39 The working principle of the hybrid system in board-level circuit fault diagnosis of radar was introduced.
40 This paper proposes a neuron - fuzzy hybrid system approach to problem of identification from log data.
41 Objective : To assay the transcriptional activation effect of prohibitin in yeast two hybrid system.
More similar words: hybridsound systemcommand systemhybridizehybridomahybridityclosed systemhousehold systemhybrid networkdedicated systemhybridizationhybridisationintegrated systemdistributed systemcentralized systembulletin board systemsystem analystsystems analystcaste systemstereo systemsteering systemsystemsubsystemsystemicp.a. systempa systemsi systemsystemizesystem bustax system
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